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Easter Junior Regatta

Youth and junior sailors from Maidenhead Sailing Club, who have been sailing together each Saturday since the start of March, enjoyed a fiercely competed Spring Regatta on the Easter weekend. A total of eight children were racing on the water in a series of three pursuit races with a ninth child assisting the race officer on the committee boat and another who was assistant instructor, in one of the rescue boats. John Williams, our senior instructor, commented positively on the standard of skills displayed and the improvements everyone had made over the last few months.

The weather turned out to be ideal despite the initial worry that the mornings gusts might be overpowering: by the time boats were launched the wind had steadied and reefs could be taken out, even before the first race. We had six Optimists, a Q-BA and a Topaz on the water plus two rescue boats and of course Thumper (the committee boat) on the start line - a fine sight and some very close and exciting racing. After two back to back races everyone came in for hot chocolate and a rest before going out for the final pursuit. Afterwards, once boats were packed away and everyone changed it was time for the presentations of shields, certificates, RYA awards, Maidenhead Sailing Club hoodies plus Easter eggs all round.

Photos (c) Nick Garrod

Many thanks to all the parents and volunteers for their support at this event and over the last eight weeks, without which it would be impossible to run such a successful and enjoyable youth and junior programme.

To all members with children aged 8 and over we are continuing over the summer term but on Wednesday evenings starting on 30th April, aiming to be on the water by 6.30pm. Costs are boat hire plus £1 per session, with an additional £4 for an RYA logbook.


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