British Moth and Topper Open Meeting
Saturday 7th May
This regatta will be governed by the:
Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS), except rule 1.2 is replaced by: Adequate personal flotation devices shall be worn by all crew members whilst afloat and on access piers or pontoons.
RRS RYA Racing Charter.
RRS RYA Prescriptions.
RSS RYA Risk Statement in Addendum A of Appendix J.
Maidenhead Sailing Club (MSC) Open Meeting Sailing Instructions, will be available
Class Rules.
Bye-laws of MSC
The regatta is open to boats of the British Moth and Topper class. Boats may be asked to produce:
A valid measurement certificate
A current buoyancy endorsement
Entry and Fees
Boats may enter by completing registration. The fee is £20.00 per boat; £5:00 per Topper who is a guest of a British Moth sailor or MSC member. This does not include boat hire
Pre Entry for the event can be made via the club website at:
A complimentary lunch is included in the entry fee for each boat, please order before going afloat. Additional lunches are available for spectators etc. @ £5.00 each.
Registration 9:30 onwards
Briefing 10:30
Race 1 11:00
Lunch 12:15 approx
Race 2 13:15 approx
Race 3 ASAP after conclusion of race 2 (Back to Back)
Tea & Cake 16:00 approx
Prize Giving ASAP after conclusion of racing
The Race Officer may adjust this on the day.
The starts will be staggered on a 5,4,1, go sequence with the British Moth’s starting first
Venue The regatta will be held at Maidenhead Sailing Club at, address below. There is a chart of the lake showing the approximate positions of marks in the Open Meeting Sailing Instructions.
One race is required to be completed to constitute a series.
When fewer than 3 races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores. When 3 races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores excluding her worst score.
Prizes will be awarded per class as follows:
• 1st Place
• 2nd Place
• 3rd Place
Insurance Each participating boat shall be insured with valid third-party liability insurance with a minimum cover of £3,000,000 per event or the equivalent.
Novice Topper sailors may have coaching / assistance at this event to encourage them in competing
Further Information
For further information please contact: Simon Hall, Menagerie Fleet Captain